News + Insights2023-10-27T08:38:52-04:00

Learn more about the work of the Community Foundation and get the latest news and insights.

Scholarships Announced

June 2nd, 2011|News|

The Community Foundation awarded and renewed 23 scholarships totaling over $67,500 for the 2011-2012 academic year

Three Cups of Tea: Is the Milk Curdled?

May 16th, 2011|Insights|

A recent investigation by 60 Minutes of the work of the nonprofit Central Asia Institute (CAI) and its founder, Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortensen, is much in the news.

A memorable legacy: Reflections on a great friend

December 20th, 2010|Insights|

On Monday December 20 I attended the memorial service for one of this community’s most exceptional people, Stanley C. Smoyer. Stan died December 15, having celebrated his 98th birthday in August. He has left a bigger-than-life legacy through the people and organizations he touched along the way.

Generosity is at the core of every story I hear

November 18th, 2010|Insights|

Of the many fascinating things I get to do every day, one that always inspires me is listening to people who come to the Community Foundation to talk with us about their giving. Philanthropy is rich in wonderful stories.

Tales of Social Capital

April 23rd, 2010|Insights|

Social capital is a measure of the connections between members of a community. It is a measure not of just do you know your neighbors, but do you hang out with them. Do you bowl alone, or do you bowl in a league?

For more information or support, please contact:

Michelle Sahn
Vice President, Communications
Email Michelle Sahn



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