Here’s a simple guide to help you:
- For itemizers, dollars are deductible up to 60% of adjusted gross income and excess deductions can be carried over and deducted in five future tax years.
Highly-appreciated stocks and other investments
- Publicly-traded stocks and bonds are tax-effective gifts to charitable organizations, especially because capital gains tax can be avoided.
Qualified plans
- Whether via a Qualified Charitable Distribution by a donor who is over 70 ½, or through a bequest, a qualified retirement plan can be an effective asset for charitable giving.
Alternative assets
- Real estate, closely-held business interests, collectibles, and other nontraditional assets can frequently come with strong tax benefits when given to a public charity such as a fund at a community foundation or a favorite nonprofit.
We’re here! If this checklist spurs ideas for you, we invite you to get in touch to discuss your options for giving a variety of assets to favorite causes and exploring all of the options available through the community foundation for structuring philanthropy.