The Princeton Area Community Foundation conducts several competitive grant programs for nonprofit organizations.

Our discretionary grants programs award grants within our Discretionary Grantmaking Footprint

The Community Foundation’s Grants Portal can be found here:

Through our All Kids Thrive program, our goal is to strengthen and insulate the educational pipeline so All Kids Thrive, from ages zero to 25. We will work to reduce chronic absenteeism in our schools, a major threat to academic success. We have high expectations for this new program, which includes a three-phase approach, but we also expect this to be a learning experience. This grants program represents 75% of our annual discretionary grantmaking.

Community Impact Grants represents the Community Foundation’s responsive grantmaking program. Organizations whose initiatives transform the lives of low-income individuals, families and communities may apply. This program represents 25% of our annual discretionary grantmaking.

The Fund for Women & Girls is dedicated to improving the lives of economically vulnerable women and children in greater Mercer County. Fund members review applications, conduct site visits, and vote to award grants.

Most awards are one-year grants of up to $25,000. Organizations may be invited to apply for multi-year grants at the discretion of the Grants Committee.

The Bunbury Fund supports non-profit organizations making significant impacts across central New Jersey, and most specifically Mercer County, to strengthen their capacity to effectively advance their missions toward sustainable, organizational maturity.
The Fund awards one-year capacity building grants of up to $50,000. It also accepts proposals for multi-year grants focused on developing organizational effectiveness over a period of up to three years and a total amount of up to $150,000. It will also consider awarding a planning grant of up to $10,000 to help an organization evaluate the resources required to undertake a more comprehensive capacity building project. Learn more about The Bunbury Fund and Dean Mathey.

The Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce Community Development Fund supports nonprofits that are located in the Chamber’s four-county footprint and play a critical role in education, leadership, economic opportunity, and self-sufficiency.
The fund was established in 2013 with a gift of $500,000 from the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Organizations may apply for a grant up to $10,000. Grant recipients are chosen by an advisory committee of Chamber members and confirmed by its Board of Directors, with assistance from the Princeton Area Community Foundation.

The Trenton Arts Fund was created in 2018 by Trenton residents David Henderson and John Hatch because both feel strongly that the arts help make Trenton a great place to live, work and visit.

In the City, there are an incredible number of start-up and well-established arts organizations, compelling arts projects, talented artists and cutting-edge ideas playing out.

The concept of the Trenton Arts Fund is to support the extraordinary arts scene in the City through operating and project support.

For more information or support, please contact:

Danny Freund
Director of Discretionary Grantmaking Activities
Email Danny Freund

Nelida Valentin
Vice President, Grants & Programs
Email Nelida Valentin