On October 2nd, The Princeton Area Community Foundation and Borden Perlman presented a seminar for nonprofit executives and trustees:

Managing Change through many stages of the nonprofit lifecycle
Presented by John Brothers, Principal — Quidoo Consulting

Nonprofit leaders – both executive staff and Board members – must routinely navigate changing and competing interests. Technological innovations, globalization, and a devastating recession have challenged organizations to be creative and to do more with less. In times of uncertainty, leaders must know how to focus organizational energy to be successful.

… You can view the Powerpoint presentation below (or download it as a pdf):

[pdf pacf.org/wp-content/uploads/PACFBrothers100212.pdf 600 500]


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About the Speaker

John Brothers owns the firm Quidoo Consulting and is a senior fellow at the Support Center for Nonprofit Management in New York. He is the author, with Anne Sherman, of Building Nonprofit Capacity: A Guide to Managing Change Through Organizational Lifecycles, published in 2012 by Jossey-Bass. He teaches social policy at Rutgers University and nonprofit management at New York University and has served as a visiting fellow at the Hauser Center at Harvard. John writes a blog for the Stanford Social Innovation Review which can be read at www.ssireview.org/bios/john_brothers.