Christine Macken Memorial Fund

Christine Macken, a Plainsboro resident, graduate of the University of Utah, Class of 2009, and West Windsor Plainsboro High School South, Class of 2004, died suddenly on July 5, 2010. She was 24 years old. Christine was employed by Capital Health System and Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). She had been active in the Plainsboro Rescue Squad for ten years, serving as a volunteer EMT and active fundraiser.
A gifted artist with a unique talent for theatre design, Christine was the Scenic Designer for various productions, including the University of Utah’s Studio 115 Theatre presentation of W;t and Duke University’s Sheafer Theatre presentation of the Rocky Horror Show. She worked as an Assistant Stage Manager for the renowned Pioneer Memorial Theatre Company in Salt Lake City on productions including Les Misérables and Chicago, and as Stage Manager for the University of Utah’s Senior Showcase in New York City. Christine was also an avid softball player who played on several teams in the area over the years.
Christine was known for throwing herself wholeheartedly into every game, project or job, and it is in that spirit we want to help others achieve their dreams. Christine had many passions in life and displayed tireless dedication and enthusiasm in the pursuit of her interests. Christine’s compassionate spirit and natural inclination to help others, whenever and however needed, defined her for so many in life. Even when in severe pain herself, if a friend, acquaintance, or even a complete stranger was in need, Christine was there with caring words of encouragement, a warm smile and the infectious laugh for which she was loved by all who knew her.
The Fund and its Mission
Christine devoted so much of her short life to giving, and in tribute, the Fund’s mission is to provide support to people and endeavors sharing Christine’s passions. Whether funding further study for EMTs, a children’s theatre program, or sports, the Fund will reach out to help others as Christine did every day of her life. In addition, the Christine Macken Memorial Fund will support research into the medical illness, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), which is characterized by chronic pain. This disease dominated the last ten years of her life. Christine suffered from many medical conditions as extensions of RSD, and the Fund wishes to support research that will help further an understanding of RSD, its treatment, and in our lifetime, a cure.
The Christine Macken Memorial Fund will honor Christine’s memory through the support and encouragement of those pursuing these goals as Christine would have done. All of Christine’s plans for life involved helping others, and in that spirit we ask for your support of the Christine Macken Memorial Fund. As she often reminded each of us, there is “no day but today.”
How To Give
Contributions to the Christine Macken Memorial Fund can be made by check, payable to the Princeton Area Community Foundation with “Christine Macken” in the memo line. Credit card contributions may be made by contacting the Community Foundation at (609) 219 – 1800. All contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. You may also make a secure donation online by clicking the “donate” button below:
For more information or support, please contact:
Jeffrey M. Vega
President & CEO