Women Give


A new study suggests that older women share their resources with others more generously than their male peers

Women Give2012-08-24T09:31:53-04:00

Reuters: Women Exert New Influence in Philanthropy


"As more women give, they are likely to change not only what is funded but how they raise money, because female philanthropists often prefer to raise money in a group."

Reuters: Women Exert New Influence in Philanthropy2012-07-12T12:26:21-04:00

What’s Sex Got To Do With It?


From the latest edition of the Stanford Social Innovation Review: "We want to educate girls, but we don’t want to talk about sex. We want girls to read, but we don’t want to provide them information about their bodies."

What’s Sex Got To Do With It?2012-07-05T08:57:19-04:00
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