An article by Laura Arillaga-Andreessen spotlights her recently-published book, Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving and Our World, in the latest edition of Stanford Social Innovation Review. In Giving 2.0 Ms. Arillaga-Andreessen explores how giving circles are transforming the world while also transforming participants’ giving. Based on her experience as a philanthropist, academic, volunteer, and social innovator, she shares a vast portfolio of lessons learned during her lifetime of giving. Her book features dozens of stories on innovative and powerful methods of how individuals give time, money, and expertise—whether volunteering, fundraising, leveraging technology and social media, starting a giving circle, fund, or foundation—Giving 2.0 shows readers how they can renew, improve, and expand their giving as an individual and as a family.

You can read the article here, or download it as a pdf.

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